Yor are wondering if the different colors of your rules are normal or concerning? Ris assured, you are not the only one asking this quision. 🤗
The color variations during your menstruation are quite common and, in the majority of cases, they are not synonymous with serious problems. And yes, the rules can sometimes surprise us! Don't panic, each color of your menstrual flow has an expthenation.
Thet's discover together the shaof the most common and what they reveal about your menstrual health. 🌸
Why do my periods change color?
The color of your menstrual flow is not always the same? It is normal to worry about these color changes, due to a lack of clear information on the subject. 🤔
In truth, these color variations are quite common and reveal information about your menstrual health. We have all noticed these color changes depending on the days and here is what it means:
- The age of blood: la color of your period often depends on theage of your blood. More the blood stays long in theuterus before being evacuated, the more it will tend to oxidize, which tends to darken its color.
- The flow rate: the speed at which the blood flows can also influence its color. When the blood flows quickly, it is less exposed to air, while a slower flow remains in contact with the tissues longer, which can alter its appearance.
- The hormone levels: your hormones also influence the color of your blood. They control the pace at which your mucosa is renewed and the quantity of blood that flows. This can therefore change the color of your blood over the course of cycle.
- Presence of infections: and yes, infections can change the color of your blood menstrual, they disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina, which can affect the composition and appearance of your flow.
These color variations may seem surprising, but they are often quite normal. They are simply part of the many changes that your body goes through during the menstrual cycle. 🌸 It is important not to panic in the face of these differences in colors, as they can be explained by specific natural causes. We will therefore help you better understand what these reveal. colors on your menstrual health. 🤗
What does the color of my period reveal about my menstrual health?
The color of the rules is not trivial: it proviof information about your health. It is not always easy to know if your cycle is normal when observing these color variations. Each shade has a meaning and can guide you to monitor your menstrual health! 🌸
Bright red: everything is normal
If the color of your period is bright red, it is generally a sign of good menstrual health. The blood is fresh and sis flowing regularly. This color is typical at the beginning of rules (when the flow is more intense). The bright red means that everything is working well!👌
Dark red: very common
The color of your period is dark red? It is a blood color quite common, especially in mid or late cycle. This color often appears when the blood had time to stay a little in your uterus before being evacuated, without however to oxidize entirely. It is a shade normal that should not worry you! 😉
Dark brown or black: oxidized blood
If your blood takes a dark brown or black, this means that it is stayed longer in your uterus and that he has oxidized (in contact with air). This usually happens at the beginning or at the end of your period. This color is also quite normal and does not indicate any particular health issue.
However, if this color is accompanied by pain or other symptoms unusual, do not hesitate to consult a healthcare professional. If it is accompanied by clots, this may indicate a miscarriage or a intrauterine pregnancy.
Pale pink: the different meanings
The color of your blood est pale pink? This color often appears when the blood est light and mixes with other fluids, giving a lighter color. This can happen at the beginning or end of your cycle. It can also be linked to slight hormonal changes (decrease in estrogen during menopause, ovulation, hormonal contraceptives such as the pill) or even to a vaginal mycosis. If this becomes frequent, we advise you to talk to your general practitioner, gynecologist, or midwife. 😊
Orange: is it normal?
The orange color you intrigued? Don't worry, some orange rules may appear when the blood mixes with the natural secretions of the cervix, which is usually safe.
However, if this color is accompanied by an unusual smell, it may indicate an infection. Some vaginal infections ou sexually transmitted can indeed modify the color of bloodIn this case, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional or a pharmacist, who, since July 2024, can prescribe certain treatments without a prescription to treat vaginal infections.
Behind the color of periods: focus on spotting and white discharge
In addition to the color of the rules, other types of vaginal discharge, like the spotting and the white discharge, can also give you indications about your health menstrual. 🌸
Here is what you need to know to better understand these signs.
Understanding spotting: meaning and impact on your menstrual health
The spotting corresponds to slight bleeding outside of your rules. This may look like small brown or pink spots, often in small amounts. It can be caused by several reasons such as :
- des hormonal fluctuations,
- of stress,
- ovulation,
- hormonal contraceptives
- changes in your menstrual cycle
Le spotting is very common and generally, it is generally not a sign of illness. It can, however, indicate health issues (infections or ectopic pregnancy).
If you have any doubts or if the spotting persists, feel free to read our article “spotting: what is it really about?” and talk to a healthcare professional.
White discharge: what you need to know and what it reveals about our menstrual cycle
The white discharge, we know them all, but do you really know what they mean? Let's decode together what they say about your intimate health.
These are simply some natural secretions produced by our vagina. The white discharge play an essential role. They help maintain a healthy balance of the vaginal flora and to prevent infections.
The color, the texture and the quantity of these pertes variant during your menstrual cycle. And yes, they can become thicker or more abundant during ovulation, which is completely normal. They simply reflect the different phases of your cycle. 🩸
However, if your white discharge have a strong smell, a color unusual or cause itching, this may be a sign of an infection or an imbalance, and it deserves the opinion of a healthcare professional!
It is also useful to know that the natural acidity of the white discharge may sometimes bleach your underwear, which is completely normal.
When talking about menstrual health, medical follow-up is important
Take care of your menstrual health also undergo regular medical check-ups. When the color of your period unusual change, or if you observe others symptoms (odors, pains), it may be helpful to consult. A healthcare professional can help you monitor your cycle and to better understand the changes of your body.
Here is what this support can bring you:
- A follow-up: des regular visits to a gynecologist or doctor allow you to monitor your menstrual health and to quickly detect anomalies (irregular cycles, unusual pains ...) Monitoring helps ensure that everything is going well ✅
- Prevention and screening: medical monitoring also helps to detect problems such as cysts, endometriosis, or others quite early troubles related to your menstrual cycle. It is better to identify them quickly to benefit from appropriate treatment 💪
- Listening and education: the consultations are also an opportunity to ask all your questions and learn more about the natural variations of your cycle. And thus better understand your body 🤗
To learn more about your menstrual cycle, we have released notre e-book : a complete guide that helps you understand the different phases of the female cycle, of the first rules at menopause!
The color of the rules is a valuable indicator of your menstrual health, and learn to interpret these variations can really make a difference in your daily life. Each shade tell a story about your cycle, your hormones and your intimate balance. Understanding these signals helps to better live this period, and to remain calm in the face of natural changes of your body.
However, still be attentive to unusual signs, such as pain, of scents, of bleeding very abundant or of colors persistent issues that concern you. These signals always deserve the opinion of a healthcare professional, whether to rule out an infection, a disease, or simply to answer your questions! 😊
Listen to your body, as every little detail matters in building an intimate balance. Take care of your menstrual health, it is taking care of your overall well-being. 🫶🩷