Swimming on your period: Tips and solutions to enjoy without stress!

Summer is coming, the sun is shining, and the desire to dive into the water is becoming urgent. But here yor are, your rules decide to invite themselves to the party...
Should we then give up swimming? Absolutely not! It is entirely possible to enjoy the sea, the pool, or a river, even during this unfortunate time of the month.

The fears related to leaks, pain, or discomfort are normal and shared by all women. However, these fears should not prevent you from enjoying moments of relaxation and fun in the water. We will explore togandher all the keys to help you bathe during your period with complete peace of mind. Menstrual protections tailored to practical advice, along with some alternative ideas, you will know everything about the best way to experience your period stress-free by the water!

Can you swim while on your period?

The answer is simple: yes, you can absolutely you bathe even during your period ! It does not exist no danger particularly to dive into the water during this period. However, many women still feel fears about it.

The most common fears women have about swimming during their periods: 

  • Theaks: This is the main concern. "Will I leave a red trace in the water ?" Fortunately, with the appropriate protections and the water pressure, this the risk is minimal.
  • Discomfort: Wear a internal protection can be uncomfortable or restrict your movements, especially if you're not used to it.
  • The pains: Some women are afraid of feel more cramps when they are submerged in water.
  • Hygiene: Are public pools, thekes, or seas safe for your intimate health during your period ?

Many women have long avoid swimming for fear of leaks or the gaze of others. But today, with the new hygiene protections available and better information, this taboo is gradually fading away. 

Myth or Reality: Does water stop the flow of blood?

This is a common question for women and menstruating young girls ! The effect of the water pressure peut slow down, even temporarily stop the flow of blood when you are immersed. 

This means that while swimming, you reduce the risk of leaks. But be careful, once water outlet, the flow resumes naturally. It is therefore important touse a menstrual protection if you plan to stay in the water or on your towel for a long time.

The important thing is to find the solution that suits you and to don't let your period deprive you of the pleasures of water. Now that we have debunked this myth, let's see what hygiene protections are the most suitable for swimming in complete peace of mind!

What hygiene protections should you choose to swim peacefully while on your period?

For years, women did not have a viable solution to fully enjoy a swimming during their period. But in 2025, that will be over, numerous hygiene protections adapted to water existing to allow you to enjoy a swim peacefully during your period. 

When one to its rules, it is essential to choose a menstrual protection suitable for swimming to avoid leaks, discomfort, or the risk of infections. 

Several options exist, each with its advantages and disadvantages. We will look together at the advantages and disadvantages: 

  1. Stamps 
  2. Menstrual cups or cups
  3. Menstrual swimwear
  4. Sanitary pads and menstrual panties
protections hygiéniques pour se baigner pendant ses règles

1. The tampon: A classic solution, but not without risks

The tampon is one of the most commonly used solutions for swimming during your period. Available in France since 1951, it's the first internal hygiene protection who offers women the opportunity to bathe during their period. Designed for absorb menstrual flow inside the vagina, it prevents blood from flowing into the water.

But what are the advantages and disadvantages? 

Benefits of using a tampon while swimming on your period  Disadvantages of using a tampon while swimming during your period 
Practical and discreet Must be changed regularly
Absorbs the flow directly at the source Risk of vaginal dryness and discomfort
Minimize the risk of leaks Risk of the string sticking out of your swimsuit
Risk of leakage or water absorption if it is improperly positioned or not suitable for your menstrual flow
Presence of chemical substances in many tampons (pesticides, chlorine, endocrine disruptors)
Risk of developing toxic shock syndrome (TSS)

If you wish to use some tampons to enjoy a swim during your period, here are some recommendations: 

  1. Favoring organic cotton tampons, without chemical products, like those offered by Jho or Organyc. 
  2. Do not keep a tampon more than 4 hours, to limit the risks of leaks and infections. 
  3. Ensure to properly position the string for more discretion.
  4. Se wash hands before and after insertion.
  5. If you are not used to wearing them, practice positioning it well before jumping into the water. 

By following these few recommendations, you will be able to fully enjoy a swim during your period, while minimizing the risks associated with tampons. 

2. The cup: an eco-friendly and effective alternative

The cup ou menstrual cup is a small medical silicone cup which is placed at the inside of the vagina and collects the blood without absorbing it. It is in 1980 that the cups start to invest in the internal hygiene protection market. However, they remain unknown for many years before making a comeback to the forefront following the women's concerns related to their health and the environment.

The cups, unlike the tampon, it does not does not dry out the vaginal flora and are reusable for several years, which makes it a more eco-friendly alternative to tampons

But what are the advantages and disadvantages? 

Benefits of using a cup for swimming during your period  Disadvantages of using a cup while swimming during your period 
Reusable and eco-friendly Requires an adjustment period
Without harmful chemical substances Difficulties in emptying and cleaning it in the absence of drinking water
Can hold more menstrual flow than a tampon Requires a good mastery of its insertion and removal
Discreet and comfortable once properly positioned

If you wish to use a cup to enjoy a swim during your period, here are some recommendations: 

  1. Empty and rinse the cup before swimming.
  2. Plan for a little water bottle to clean it if needed.
  3. Well position it to prevent any leaks.
  4. If you are not used to wearing them, practice positioning it well before jumping into the water. 

By following these few recommendations, you you can bathe peacefully during your period, while adopting a more eco-friendly approach to manage your period. 

3. Period swimwear: the non-invasive revolution

The menstrual swimwear are the new arrivals in the market for hygiene products. They are making their debut in 2020 on the French market, offering women a external hygiene protection to allow them to swim calm. Equipped with textile technology in multiple layers (absorbent, leak-proof, and waterproof), they are ideal for the all menstrual flows.

But what are the advantages and disadvantages?

Advantages of period swimwear for swimming during your period  Disadvantages of period swimwear for swimming during your period 
No need for internal protections Thess model suitable for abundant flows
Comfortable and reusable Must be well maintained to preserve its effectiveness
Absorbs moisture while being waterproof You will forget your rules
(Ok this is not a drawback)
Can be used in and out of water
Up to 8 hours of continuous protection
Great freedom of movement without the risk of leaks
Easy to use (just slip it on)

If you wish to use a period swimwear for swimming with peace of mind during your period, here are some recommendations: 

  • Select one model adapted to your flow and to your water activities. 
  • Plan for a waterproof pouch to store it in your bag. 
  • Wash the swimsuit after each swim.

By following these few recommendations, you will be able to enjoy a day by the water without worrying about your period. 

4. Can you swim with a sanitary towel or menstrual underwear?

Onelike other options, the sanitary napkins and the menstrual panties are not not suitable for swimming.


  • They absorbs water at the same time as blood, which makes them ineffective and uncomfortable.
  • High risk of leaks and of genes.
  • Feeling of heaviness due to water absorption.
  • Risk of damaging or damage your hygiene protection.  

If you are used to wear a menstrual panty or a sanitary pad to manage your menstrual flow outside of water, plan a suitable hygienic solution for bathing. 

After swimming, plan for a spare sanitary towel or menstrual underwear to avoid any discomfort and maintain good intimate hygiene. 

Every woman has different needs and it is important to test several solutions to find the one that suits you best. The tampon and the cup remain effective options for a leak-free bathing, but requires some practice to position them correctly. While the period swimwear is a comfortable alternative, more practical and eco-friendly. The essential, for enjoy a swim during your period, is to be comfortable and confident!

Alternative methods for managing your period in water

There are solutions for those who do not wish to use hygiene products waterproof like pads, cups, or menstrual swimsuits. 

There is a natural method to manage your flow autonomously, but some contraceptive methods can also allow you to control its cycle. Let's explore these alternatives together.

The instinctive free flow (FIL): mastering your body

Le free instinctive flow (FIL) is a method that involves control the flow of menstruation by contracting the pelvic floor muscles and by going to the toilets for draining blood at the desired time. 

How does it work? 🩸 

Le free instinctive flow (FIL) is a natural method which consists of learning to to hold and voluntarily release her menstrual flow, a method similar to how one controls their bladder. Instead of using sanitary products, this technique relies on listening to your body, la perineal muscle management and on the learning of signals sent by the uterus.

Who is it suitable for? 🙋

  • For women who know their cycle well.
  • Easier to implement for the light flows.
  • Request a progressive training and a good connection with one's body.

⚠️ The limits of the FIL: 

  • Ce is not a foolproof method, especially for heavy flows.
  • The extended bathing it can be a challenge, as the water pressure slows down the flow, but once out of the water, the flow resumes its course naturally and abruptly.
  • Un progressive learning is necessary before being completely comfortable with this method.

As part of swimming, the FIL can be a viable alternative for short durations in water et without much effort. However, it is advised to have a plan B (like period swimwear as a complement) in case of unexpected flow. Thus, you will be completely protected and you will be able to apply this method of menstrual flow management safely

Contraceptive methods to control your cycle

Some contraceptive methods allow to reduce or to remove the rules, thus providing a solution for avoid asking the question of menstruation while swimming.

The pill and the sequence of packs: 

Some contraceptive pills can be taken continuously, which prevents the onset of menstruation. This can be a convenient option for those who wish to avoid having their period for a specific period, such as holidays.

However, it is important to note that your body may take several months before adapting to a contraceptive pill. Furthermore, it is not recommended to change it regularly, as pills create some hormonal fluctuations, which can have a negative impact on your body. 

The hormonal IUD: 

Unlike the copper IUD, which can sometimes intensify the rules, the hormonal IUD tends to reduce them, or even to make them completely disappear in some women. This is a solution for long-term contraception which may be interesting for those who prefer not having to manage daily contraception. 

⚠️ Precautions and medical advice:

  • All these methods require a medical follow-up to ensure that they are suitable for your health.
  • It is important to be well informed about potential side effects and of talk to a healthcare professional before choosing one of these solutions.

These alternative methods allow for manage your period differently, but they are not suitable for everyone. Each person can experiment and choose the solution that best suits them to fully enjoy the stress-free swimming on your period.

Our tips for fully enjoying a day by the water during your period

Choose a water-resistant hygiene protection is a good start, but being a woman and having your period often requires a whole logisticsThat's why we have prepared a recommendation list to allow you to fully enjoy the water in complete serenity even with your rules. 

Tip #1: Moral support 

Swimming on your period peut être source d’appréhension, surtout pour les jeunes filles qui ont leur première règle. Le soutien d’un proche peut faire toute la différence !

Avoir une amie ou un proche avec vous qui sait que vous avez vos règles durant un moment de baignade peut vous permettre de vivre pleinement le moment. Le fait de normaliser la conversation autour des règles permet de lever les tabous et d’aborder la baignade plus sereinement.

De plus, cette personne de confiance pourra discrètement s’assurer qu’il n’y a aucune fuite. Grâce à ce simple geste, vous pourrez vous détendre et profiter de votre baignade sans être parasitée par l’angoisse.

Whether it's a friend, your mother, your sister, or a family member, you feel supported without judgment will allow you to fully enjoy this moment of relaxation. 

Tip #2: The checklist to prepare for your swim with internal protection

To best prepare for your day of swimming with internal hygiene protection (cup or tampon), we have prepared a checklist to best prepare your beach or pool bag

In your bag, there are: 

  • Replacement protection (clean pad or cup)
  • If you are using a cup, bring a small bottle of water to rinse the cup.
  • Biodegradable intimate wipes
  • Waterproof pouch or box to store your used protection
  • Dark beach towel 
  • Dark bikini bottom
  • Bath poncho or robe for easier changing outdoors

Tip #3: The checklist to prepare for your swim with period swimwear

To best prepare for your day of swimming with period swimwear, we have prepared a checklist to best prepare your beach or pool bag

In your bag, there is: 

  • Waterproof pouch to transport a wet jersey.
  • Spare underwear and hygienic protection for after swimming 
  • Beach towel for chilling out in complete peace
  • Bath poncho or robe for easier changing outdoors

With these tips in hand, you are ready to fully enjoy swimming while on your period, with complete peace of mind!

Se baigner avec ses règles nothing is impossible! As we have seen, several solutions exist to enjoy water without stress: tampons, menstrual cups, menstrual swimwear, or alternative methods such as the free instinctive flow. Every woman has various options with their advantages and disadvantages. Find the hygienic solution that suits you the best according to your flow and preferences.

The important thing is to don't deprive yourself of the pleasures of swimming because of your periodWith a little preparation and the right gear, it is entirely possible to swim with complete peace of mind.

Finally, let's remember: the rules are natural and should not hinder your activities. 
And you, what are your tips for fully enjoying a swim during your period ?
Share them in the comments; they will surely help other women and young girls fully enjoy their swimming moments. 

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